
共 4 条词语

  • 休养生息

    xiū yăng shēng xī

    休养生息指在大动乱、大变革之后所采取的减轻人民负担恢复生产安定社会秩序的措施。例高宗中睿休养生息。——唐韩愈《平淮西碑》英(of a nation) recuperate and multiply; rest and build up strength; rehabilitate;[查看详情]

  • 养精蓄锐

    yăng jīng xù ruì

    养精蓄锐养足精神积蓄力量。也指保存部队的战斗力准备新的战斗。例不如以现在之兵分命大将据守险要养精蓄锐。——《三国演义》英get up steam; conserve strength and store up energy;[查看详情]

  • 一箭双雕

    yī jiàn shuāng diāo

    一箭双雕一箭射中两只雕。比喻一举两得。英kill two birds with one stone; shoot two hawks with one arrow;[查看详情]

  • 事半功倍

    shì bàn gōng bèi

    事半功倍意为只用一半的功夫而收到加倍的功效。形容用力小而收效大。英get twice the result with half the effort;[查看详情]