
共 4 条词语

  • 势成骑虎

    shì chéng qí hǔ

    势成骑虎比喻做某事过程中遇到障碍但由于形势的需要不可能就此罢手的情况。英be in a dilemma; be afraid to go on and unable to get down as one who rides on a tiger;[查看详情]

  • 近水楼台

    jìn shuǐ lóu tái


  • 鞭长莫及

    biān cháng mò jí

    鞭长莫及本意为马鞭虽长但打不到马肚子上。喻虽有力力量亦达不到。例虽鞭之长,不及马腹。——《左传宣公十五年》英although the whip is long,it does not reach the horse's belly——cannot do it much as one would like do;后用以喻力不能及。亦作“鞭不及腹”[查看详情]

  • 束手无策

    shù shǒu wú cè

    束手无策困难时无可以渡过难关的办法无计可施。例觉民对那许多人的束手无策感到失望。——巴金《秋》英without resource;[查看详情]