
共 5 条词语

  • 支支吾吾

    zhī zhī wú wú

    支支吾吾含糊其词或躲躲闪闪地说话。例谈到他在经济和外交事务方面的政策时总是支支吾吾,十分含糊。英waffle; equivocate; falter;[查看详情]

  • 文不对题

    wén bù duì tí

    文不对题文章没有依照题目去引申发挥指回答问题不确切。英irrelevant to the subject; be besides the mark; be way off the beam; fly off at a tangent;[查看详情]

  • 笨嘴拙舌

    bèn zuǐ zhuō shé


  • 答非所问

    dá fēi suǒ wèn

    答非所问回答的内容与提的问题无关。英answer beside the point; answer beyond the question; give a reply far from the mark; irrelevant answer;[查看详情]

  • 张口结舌

    zhāng kǒu jié shé

    张口结舌因理亏或惊惧而无言以对。例在他妻子的厉声斥责下张口结舌。英with open mouth; be at a loss for words;[查看详情]