
共 4 条词语

  • 心狠手辣

    xīn hěn shǒu là

    心狠手辣心肠狠毒手段残忍。英be extremely cruel and merciless;[查看详情]

  • 铁石心肠

    tiě shí xīn cháng

    铁石心肠比喻秉性刚毅不为感情所动。英iron-hearted; hard-hearted;[查看详情]

  • 绵里藏针

    mián lǐ cáng zhēn

    绵里藏针喻外表看来温柔软弱,实则内心刻毒强硬。英ruthless character behind a gentle appearance is like a needle hidden in silk floss;形容柔弱中蕴刚强。[查看详情]

  • 杀气腾腾

    shā qì téng téng

    杀气腾腾原义是形容要杀人的凶恶气势现在常用来形容一种险恶的气氛。英with a murderous look on one's face; be hellicose; be out to kill;[查看详情]