
共 4 条词语

  • 坐观成败

    zuò guān chéng bài

    坐观成败对于他人的成功或失败采取旁观态度。英wait to see what will come of another’s venture; look on coldly; be a mere onlooker;[查看详情]

  • 作壁上观

    zuò bì shàng guān

    作壁上观即袖手旁观。英be an onlooker; sit by and watch; watch the fighting from behind the rampart;[查看详情]

  • 壁上观

    bì shàng guān

    壁上观比喻坐观胜负而不帮助任何一方。英detached view; an onlooker; watch the fighting from the ramparts;[查看详情]

  • 袖手旁观

    xiù shǒu páng guān

    袖手旁观在旁观望不过问事情。例弈棋者胜负之形,虽国工有所不尽而袖手旁观者常见之,何则?——宋苏轼《朝辞赴定州论事状》英look on (或 stand by) with folded arms;[查看详情]