
共 4 条词语

  • 延长

    yán cháng

    延长扩展长度使更长。例延长一条道路。英lengthen; draw out; drag;时间上使更长;延期;拖长。例条约延长了二十年。英prolong; protract;[查看详情]

  • 提早

    tí zăo

    提早比通常、计划或预料的时间要早。例提早半小时上班。提早出发。英shift to an earlier time; move up a date;提前。例提早发工资了。英in advance; beforehand; ahead of time;[查看详情]

  • 提前

    tí qián

    提前提早;使提早发生。例开会日期由六月五日提前到六月二日。银行不能提前付款。英advance; shift to an earlier time;先于预定的时间或日期。例提前偿还。英in advance; beforehand; ahead of time;[查看详情]

  • 及早

    jí zăo

    及早赶早;趁早。例生了病要及早治。英as soon as possible; at an early date; before it is too late;[查看详情]