
共 3 条词语

  • 养虎遗患

    yăng hǔ yí huàn

    养虎遗患养着老虎留下祸患。比喻纵容坏人给自己留下后患。例楚兵罢食尽此天亡楚之时也,不如因其饥而逐取之。今释弗击此所谓“养虎自遗患”也。——《史记项羽本纪》英Rear a tiger is to court calamity; Cherish a snake in one's bosom;[查看详情]

  • 放虎归山

    fàng hǔ guī shān

    放虎归山比喻放走敌人自留祸根。例倘他逃走了去岂不是放虎归山?——清钱彩《说岳全传》英let the tiger return to the mountains — cause calamity for the future;[查看详情]

  • 打草惊蛇

    dă căo jīng shé

    打草惊蛇原指惩罚了别人也警戒了自己。后喻指作事不密致使人有所戒备。例空自去打草惊蛇倒吃他做了手脚,却是不好。——《水浒传》英beat the grass and frighten away the snake; (fig) act rashly and alert the enemy;[查看详情]