
共 4 条词语

  • 贪财好色

    tān cái hăo sè

    贪财好色贪图钱财好近女色。英mercenary and sensual;[查看详情]

  • 欲壑难填

    yù hè nán tián

    欲壑难填欲望很大难以满足。英Avarice knows no bound greed is like a valley that can never be filled;[查看详情]

  • 多多益善

    duō duō yì shàn

    多多益善益:更,越。越多越好。例这位公子却有钱癖思量多多益善,要学我这“烧银”之法。——《儒林外史》英the more the better; plenty is no plague;[查看详情]

  • 胡思乱想

    hú sī luàn xiăng

    胡思乱想不切实际地瞎想。例正在胡思乱想。英go off into wild flights of fancy; one's wits go a woolgathering;瞎想一些不应该去想或者是根本无法办到的事。例快别胡思乱想了年轻轻,别说这号丧气话。[查看详情]