
共 6 条词语

  • 休养生息

    xiū yăng shēng xī

    休养生息指在大动乱、大变革之后所采取的减轻人民负担恢复生产安定社会秩序的措施。例高宗中睿休养生息。——唐韩愈《平淮西碑》英(of a nation) recuperate and multiply; rest and build up strength; rehabilitate;[查看详情]

  • 落叶归根

    luò yè guī gēn


  • 安土重居

    ān tǔ zhòng jū


  • 安土重迁

    ān tǔ zhòng qiān

    安土重迁在家乡住惯了很不愿意搬迁。英be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it; hate to leave one’s native land;[查看详情]

  • 衣锦还乡

    yī jǐn huán xiāng

    衣锦还乡穿着锦绣衣服回乡形容富贵后荣耀乡里。英return to one’s hometown in silken robes—return home in glory;[查看详情]

  • 安居乐业

    ān jū lè yè

    安居乐业居住安定乐于从事自己的职业。英dwell under one's vine and fig tree; live and work in peace and contentment;[查看详情]