
共 2 条词语

  • 规行矩步

    guī xíng jǔ bù

    规行矩步循规的行为与蹈矩的举止。比喻品行方正。例他们被教诲学习温文雅静怎么圣人一样规行矩步。——柯灵《遥夜集》英behave correctly and cautiously; be strictly upright and correct in behaviour;比喻墨守旧法不知变通。例今士循常习故规行矩步,积阶级累阀阅,碌碌然[查看详情]

  • 投鼠忌器

    tóu shǔ jì qì

    投鼠忌器投打靠近器物的老鼠怕伤了器物。比喻想打击坏人而又有所顾忌怕伤害好人而不敢作为。英throw something at a rat,but afraid to break the vase; caution in taking action; burn not your house to rid it of the mouse; spare the rat to save the dishes; those wh[查看详情]