
共 2 条词语

  • 悲天悯人

    bēi tiān mǐn rén

    悲天悯人哀叹时世艰辛怜惜人民疾苦。天:天命;悯:哀怜。例一腔悲天悯人的热情。英bewail the times and pity the people; bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind feel sympathy for the world;[查看详情]

  • 自作自受

    zì zuò zì shòu

    自作自受由自己的不良行为招致的后果应由自己承担。例汝母在生之日都无一片善心,终朝杀害生灵每日欺凌三宝。自作自受非天与人。——《敦煌变文集目边缘起》英reap the fruits of one’s action; suffer through one's own misdeeds; stew in one's own juice;[查看详情]