
共 3 条词语

  • 因循守旧

    yīn xún shǒu jiù

    因循守旧死守老一套不图更新。英lockstep; follow the beaten track old routine;[查看详情]

  • 蹈常袭故

    dăo cháng xí gù

    蹈常袭故墨守成规沿用旧法。指照老规矩办事。例后之君子蹈常而袭故,惴惴焉惧不免于天下。——宋苏轼《伊尹论》英go on in the same old way; be a slave to old methods of doing things; follow the conventional tradition;[查看详情]

  • 抱残守缺

    bào cán shǒu quē

    抱残守缺守着残缺的东西不放。形容思想守旧不知变革。英be conservative; be a sticker (traditionalist) for ancient ways and things;[查看详情]