
共 4 条词语

  • 颠扑不破

    diān pū bù pò

    颠扑不破怎么摔打都不会破。比喻理论正确不能推翻。例伊川“性即理也”四字颠扑不破。——《朱子全书性理》英solid; irrefutable; mconstrovertible; indisputable; unbreakable;[查看详情]

  • 天经地义

    tiān jīng dì yì

    天经地义天地间本当如此、不可更改的道理。英unalterable principle; nature law and earth's way;指理所当然无可非议的事情。英a matter of course;[查看详情]

  • 理所当然

    lǐ suǒ dāng rán

    理所当然按道理应该如此。例就把来结识了这位大哥也是理所当然。——明冯梦龙《醒世恒言》英justifiably; a matter of course; as it ought to be; be both natural and right; it goes without saying; it is what propriety requires;[查看详情]

  • 合情合理

    hé qíng hé lǐ
