
共 7 条词语

  • 踏实

    tà shí

    踏实切实;不浮躁。英on a firm footing; be steady and sure;内心安定;安稳。例心里总不踏实。英have peace of mind; be free from anxiety;[查看详情]

  • 朴实

    pǔ shí


  • 恳切

    kěn qiè

    恳切形容态度诚恳心情急切的样子。例言词恳切。英earnest; sincere; cordial;[查看详情]

  • 真切

    zhēn qiè

    真切清晰确实。例看不真切。英vivid; distinct; clear;[查看详情]

  • 切实

    qiè shí

    切实符合事实。例切实可行的计划。英feasible; practical;[查看详情]

  • 诚恳

    chéng kěn

    诚恳多指人的态度真诚恳挚。例诚恳地接受批评。英true-hearted; cordiality; in all honesty and sincerety;[查看详情]

  • 塌实

    tā shí

    塌实工作或学习实在、不浮躁。英on a firm footing; be steady and sure;心绪安定;安稳。英be free from anxiety; have peace of mind;[查看详情]