
共 3 条近义词

  • 万念俱灰

    wàn niàn jù huī

    万念俱灰一切想法、打算都破灭了。形容失意或受到沉重打击后极端灰心失望的心情。英be utterly disheartened; be tired of earthly life with all ambitious blasted and all hopes dashed to pieces;[查看详情]

  • 山穷水尽

    shān qióng shuǐ jìn

    山穷水尽比喻走投无路陷入绝境。英where the mountains and the rivers end—at the end of one's rope;[查看详情]

  • 日暮途穷

    rì mù tú qióng

    日暮途穷太阳下山路到尽头。比喻陷入绝境。例几年春草歇今日暮途穷。——唐杜甫《投赠哥舒开府翰二十韵》英be on its last legs;[查看详情]