
共 5 条近义词

  • 不动声色

    bù dòng shēng sè

    不动声色不说话也不表露感情的变化形容沉着、镇静。英do not bat an eyelid; do not turn a hair; show one's feelings neither in voices nor in facial expressions; stay calm and collected;[查看详情]

  • 杀鸡取卵

    shā jī qǔ luăn

    杀鸡取卵为了得到鸡蛋而把母鸡杀了。比喻贪图眼前好处而损害长远利益。例请皇上勿再竭泽而渔杀鸡取卵,为小民留一线生机!英kill the hen to get the eggs;[查看详情]

  • 斩草除根

    zhăn căo chú gēn

    斩草除根比喻铲除祸根以免留下后患。英cut the weeds and dig up the roots—destroy root and branch;[查看详情]

  • 拔本塞源

    bá běn sè yuán


  • 竭泽而渔

    jié zé ér yú

    竭泽而渔抽干池水,捉尽池鱼。比喻目光短浅缺乏深谋远虑。例焚林而田竭泽而渔。——《淮南子》英drain the pond to get all the fish;[查看详情]