
共 4 条近义词

  • 大有文章

    dà yǒu wén zhāng

    大有文章有更深层的意义奥秘存在。例这里面大有文章。英there is more to it than meets the eye; there's sth. behind all this;[查看详情]

  • 弦外之音

    xián wài zhī yīn


  • 意在言外

    yì zài yán wài

    意在言外意思不是用直截了当的陈述而是以暗指或以容易自然地推论出来的方式来传达的即言词的真正用意是暗含着的没有明白说出。英much more is meant than meets the eye; implied meaning;[查看详情]

  • 言外之意

    yán wài zhī yì

    言外之意含蓄而没有明白指明的意思。英implication; meaning underneath the words; read between the lines; what is actually meant;[查看详情]