
共 5 条近义词

  • 身临其境

    shēn lín qí jìng

    身临其境亲自到了那个境地获得某种切身感受。英be personally on the scene; go through the situation personally;[查看详情]

  • 义不容辞

    yì bù róng cí

    义不容辞为了道义、大局不能推辞。英one's sense of honour makes it impossible to refuse; have a bounden duty;[查看详情]

  • 见义勇为

    jiàn yì yǒng wéi

    见义勇为意识到是正义之举就大胆去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;[查看详情]

  • 义无反顾

    yì wú făn gù

    义无反顾高度的正义感或责任心不容许回溯到以前的时间或地点。英honour permits no turning back;从道义上讲只能勇往直前不能回顾、退缩。英be duty-bound not to turn back;[查看详情]

  • 责无旁贷

    zé wú páng dài
