
共 11 条近义词

  • 三心两意

    sān xīn liăng yì


  • 貌合神离

    mào hé shén lí

    貌合神离表面上很亲密而实际上怀有二心。英be apparently acquiescing while countrary-minded; be friendly apparently but in fact not; seemingly in harmony but actually at variance;[查看详情]

  • 尔虞我诈

    ěr yú wǒ zhà

    尔虞我诈互相诈骗。英each trying to cheat or outwit the other;[查看详情]

  • 三心二意

    sān xīn èr yì


  • 同床异梦

    tóng chuáng yì mèng


  • 背信弃义

    bèi xìn qì yì

    背信弃义背:违背;弃:丢弃。指不守信用不讲道义。也作“弃信忘义”例背惠怒邻,弃信忘义。——《北史周本纪》英break faith with sb.; go back on one's word;[查看详情]

  • 各行其是

    gè xíng qí shì

    各行其是每个人都觉得自己的做法是对的根本不考虑别人的意见。例我之求死你之求生,是各行其是。——清吴趼人《痛史》二十一回。作为团的干部必须认真贯彻党团组织的决议和指示而不能自作主张,各行其是。英Each goes his own way; Each does what he thinks is right.;[查看详情]

  • 分崩离析

    fēn bēng lí xī

    分崩离析四分五裂形容国家、集团等分裂瓦解。例邦分崩离析而不能守也。——《论语季氏》英break up; come apart; fall to pieces;[查看详情]

  • 朝秦暮楚

    zhāo qín mù chǔ

    朝秦暮楚时而倾向秦国时而倾向楚国,比喻反复无常。英serve the State of Qin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening—quick to switch sides;早上在秦国晚上在楚国,比喻行踪不定。英indefinite;[查看详情]

  • 明枪暗箭

    míng qiāng àn jiàn

    明枪暗箭公然的攻击或背后的陷害。英overt and covert attack;[查看详情]

  • 明争暗斗

    míng zhēng àn dòu

    明争暗斗公开场合和暗地里都在争斗不息较量不止。喻矛盾之深。英both open strife and veiled struggle; fight with both open and secret means;[查看详情]