
共 4 条近义词

  • 掩人耳目

    yăn rén ěr mù

    掩人耳目掩:遮盖。堵住人的耳朵遮住人的眼睛。比喻以假象来蒙蔽别人。例那两个和尚却不都烧死?又好掩人耳目。——《西游记》英deceive the public; hood wink people;[查看详情]

  • 名不副实

    míng bù fù shí

    名不副实徒有虚名与实际不相符合。例名不副实的作家。英be sth.more apparent than real; be sth.more in name than in reality; be unworthy of the name (title); not millitary of the name;[查看详情]

  • 滥竽充数

    làn yú chōng shù

    滥竽充数不会吹竽的人混在吹竽的乐队里充数(故事见《韩非子内储说上》)。比喻没有真才实学的人混在行家里面充数或是以次货充好货。也用作自谦之词。例若只靠才气摭些陈言,便不好滥竽充数了。——清文康《儿女英雄传》英pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemb[查看详情]

  • 鱼目混珠

    yú mù hùn zhū

    鱼目混珠鱼眼睛掺杂在珍珠里面。比喻以假乱真。例他道你是鱼目混珠,你该罚他一钟酒。——《花月痕》英pass off fish eyes for pearls; mix the genuine with the fictitious;[查看详情]