
共 8 条近义词

  • 量能授官

    liàng néng shòu guān


  • 试才录用

    shì cái lù yòng


  • 任人唯贤

    rèn rén wéi xián

    任人唯贤用人只以德才为标准而不管他跟自己关系如何。英appoint people on their merits; appoint people according to their political integrity and ability;[查看详情]

  • 陈力就列

    chén lì jiù liè


  • 量体裁衣

    liàng tǐ cái yī

    量体裁衣比喻根据实际情况办事。例我们应该量体裁衣各家的经济基础不同我们应该从我们的实际出发。英act according to actual circumstances;[查看详情]

  • 量入为出

    liàng rù wéi chū

    量入为出支出在数量或程度上不超过收入。例居家过日子要量入为出。英base one's expenditure upon one's income; live within income; plan one's expenditure in the light of one's income;根据收入情况确定支出限度。例并用筹策计较府库量入为出。——《三国志卫觊传》英m[查看详情]

  • 量力而行

    liàng lì ér xíng

    量力而行按照自己能力大小去做事。例朕当量力而行然定可否。——唐吴兢《开元升平源》英act according to one’s capability; do what one is capable to;[查看详情]

  • 人尽其才

    rén jìn qí cái

    人尽其才每个人都能充分发挥其才能和智慧。例若乃人尽其才悉用其力。——《淮南子兵略训》英everyone can do his best;[查看详情]