
共 3 条近音词

  • 坚苦卓絶

    jiān kǔ zhuó jué

    坚苦卓絶意志坚强刻苦世所罕见,无与伦比。英showing the utmost fortitude; staunch through trials and tribulations;[查看详情]

  • 艰苦卓絶

    jiān kǔ zhuó jué

    艰苦卓絶形容十分艰苦极不平凡。例艰苦卓绝的斗争。英showing the utmost fortitude; be extremely hard and bitter; be most ardnous amid untold difficulties; with surpassing bravery;[查看详情]

  • 艰苦卓绝

    jiān kǔ zhuó jué

    艰苦卓绝形容十分艰苦极不平凡。例艰苦卓绝的斗争。英showing the utmost fortitude; be extremely hard and bitter; be most ardnous amid untold difficulties; with surpassing bravery;[查看详情]