
共 2 条近音词

  • 掩耳盗铃的意思

    yăn ěr dào líng

    掩耳盗铃的意思把耳朵捂住去偷铃铛。比喻欺骗不了别人只能欺骗自己例今若宿驿,正犹掩耳盗铃也。——明赵弼《钟离叟妪传》英plug one's ears while stealing a bell;deceive oneself as an ostrich that buries its head in the sand[查看详情]

  • 掩耳盗铃

    yăn ěr dào líng

    掩耳盗铃把耳朵捂住去偷铃铛。比喻欺骗不了别人只能欺骗自己。例今若宿驿正犹掩耳盗铃也。——明赵弼《钟离叟妪传》英plug one's ears while stealing a bell; deceive oneself as an ostrich that buries its head in the sand;[查看详情]